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Literature Searching

A step-by-step guide to the literature searching process

Saving a search

Save as a permanent search

  • Most search tools, such as Ovid, EBSCOhost and ProQuest allow you to save your search as a permanent search so that it can be retrieved and run at a later date
  • Note that this feature is saving the search steps only, not the search results themselves. The boxes below provide more information on how to save the results themselves
  • Once saved, you can also make changes to your search as required
  • Typically you save your searches in a personal account created within the search tool

Save as an Alert

  • Again, typically, you can also save your search as an alert which can then be scheduled to run at regular intervals to find any new articles that have been added to a database since the last time the search was performed. These search results can be emailed to you.

Managing your search results

Most search tools, such as Ovid, EBSCOhost and ProQuest provide functions to print, email or export your search results. Included in your search results are the links to take you to the full text of the articles, if available.

The export feature typically will allow you to export to reference management software such as RefWorks or EndNote as well as to other formats such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.



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