Getting involved in QI activities can help you develop a better understanding of ward processes and the various healthcare professional roles that exist within a multidisciplinary team. It will also better prepare you for life as a junior doctor and help you to develop the necessary medical leadership and management skills.
Start by taking these online courses to find out more about participating in a QI project, and then get inspiration about areas of improvement from the links below.
To find out what opportunities are available to you at St George's, contact Ross McLaren
Quality Improvement | Patient Safety
These two free courses from BMJ e-Learning will give you a good foundation in the theory underpinning patient safety, as well as practical guidance on how to carry out a quality improvement project.
Just some of the things you will learn in this course:
This video summarises the current structure of the NHS, which may give you some ideas for areas of improvement.
The Institute of Healthcare Improvement provides a series of free online modules in quality improvement basics, patient safety, person centred care and leadership.
Take a look at the BMJ Quality Improvement Reports to give you an idea of what kinds of QI projects have already been done, and what kind of standard you should aim for with your project.