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Clinical Pharmacology Subject Guide

Literature Searching

The most effective way to search our subscriptions is to use Hunter. Just enter keywords relating to your topic and select 'Articles and more' from the drop-down menu to get started.

However, if you are carrying out a large research project or a literature review, you'll need to use more sophisticated search tools like the ones listed below.

Should you need any help articulating a research question, developing a search strategy or using the databases, please check out our Principles of effective literature searching guide, provides a useful introduction to the search process.

Should you need any further assistance, please email the Liaison Team or your Liaison Librarians to arrange a 1:1 appointment via Microsoft Teams.


flag Offsite access

Note: If you're accessing online resources offsite, you will be asked for a username and password. Use the St George's username and password that you use to access the University computers.

The log in page can look different depending on the supplier of the article, but will usually refer to an 'institutional login'. You will normally need to select your location (e.g. UK Access Management Federation) and then select your 'institution'. Remember to look for 'City St George's'.

This might also be referred to as a 'Shibboleth' login - again, just use your St George's username and password when prompted.

Bibliographic databases