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St George's University of London Logo

Clinical Pharmacology Subject Guide

Accessing resources

The library subscribes to a number of resources that will help you with your learning and revision. The Liaison Team also has a series of How To videos, which can help you to navigate your way around the resources and introduce you to their key features.

Check out the resources and videos below.

If you would like to see a video for a particular resource, please email the Liaison Team.

flag Offsite access

Note: If you're accessing online resources offsite, you will be asked for a username and password. Use the St George's username and password that you use to access the University computers.

The log in page can look different depending on the supplier of the article, but will usually refer to an 'institutional login'. You will normally need to select your location (e.g. UK Access Management Federation) and then select your 'institution'. Remember to look for 'St George's, University of London'.

This might also be referred to as a 'Shibboleth' login - again, just use your St George's username and password when prompted.

Databases and e-resources