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Ovid Search Guide

A guide to searching healthcare databases eg Medline, Embase, using the Ovid Search tool.

Manage results

Most search tools, such as Ovid and EBSCOhost provide functions to print, email, or export your search results. Included in your search results are the links to take you to the full text of the articles, if available.

The export feature typically will allow you to export to reference management software such as RefWorks or EndNote as well as to other formats such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet. Find out more about RefWorks at St George's.

In order to export your records, you must tick the boxes next to the records that you wish to export. You can also tick 'all' to export all the records. Once you have selected the records that you wish to export, you can select from the options at the top of the list of results:

  • Print: Select which fields to pint and print your search strategy
  • Email: Email your search strategy to yourself or a colleague. Additional options to include links to articles in Hunter and to email the search strategy
  • Export: Export your citations to Word, PDF, Excel, and reference management software such as RefWorks

screenshot of the export results page on Ovid

For more information on using reference management software see our Reference Management Software LibGuide, or our Zotero Reference Manager LibGuide.

Exporting References to RefWorks

Before you begin, please ensure that you are logged into RefWorks and that you have opened your RefWorks library in a separate tab.

  1. Select the records that you wish to export by ticking the boxes next to each record, or select 'all'
  2. Once you have selected the references you wish to export, select the Export option
  3. In the pop-up window, select RefWorks as the format in the drop-down list
  4. Decide the level of detail you need for the references you are exporting and select the required fields as necessary. We recommend selecting 'citation, abstract'). NB: selecting the option 'link to external resolver' will provide you with a link to that article's record in Hunter
  5. Click the Export button

screenshot of ovid export interface

Please note: You can export up to 1,000 records at a time. If you are exporting more than 1,000 records, you will need to do this in batches.

If you would like to export your references to an alternative referencing software (e.g., Mendeley), you can export your references using the RIS file format and import these manually.

Exporting References to Microsoft Word

To export your references to a Microsoft Word document:

  1. Select the records that you wish to export by ticking the boxes next to each record, or select 'all'
  2. Once you have selected the references you wish to export, select the Export option
  3. In the pop-up window, select Microsoft Word as the format in the drop-down list
  4. Decide the level of detail you need for the references you are exporting and select the required fields as necessary. We recommend selecting 'citation, abstract'). We also recommend selecting 'search history' as this will download your entire search strategy for you.
  5. Click the Export button
  6. Once downloaded, your list of citations will appear in your Downloads folder for opening or saving locally.

screenshot of exporting references to a word document

Please note: You can export up to 1,000 records at a time. If you are exporting more than 1,000 records, you will need to do this in batches.