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ProQuest Search Guide

A guide to searching healthcare databases eg Assia and the British Nursing Index using the ProQuest search interface Search tool

Manage results

Most search tools, such as Ovid, EBSCO, and ProQuest provide functions to print, email, save or export your search results. Also included in your search results are the links to take you to the full text of the articles, if available.

View, select and save your results

Annotated screenshot of steps outlined below

4. Select items individually or select all items on the page. Click Selected items (1 selected item in this example) to view your selected records list.

5. Hover over the Source type icon for the source type of the document. For a list of all source types available in your results, see Source type in the Applied filters panel on the left side of the results page.

6. The Cite tool generates a bibliography. Copy and paste the generated bibliography into a document - please note that this may not be in the correct Harvard format for St George's and you will need to edit it. Remember to always check for accuracy. 

7. The envelope icon next to the Cite tool allows you to email the article. 

8. The filing icon next to the envelope icon enables you to save the article to My Research.

ProQuest databases index articles from a wider range of journals than are in the St George's Library's collection so we may not have the full text of every article.  We do, however, subscribe to a wide range of healthcare journals. We will usually have a significant number of full available articles from the searches that you carry out.

Articles from your list of search results usually have a link to Full text or Full Text - PDF.  Click on either of these links to access the Full text.

Articles from your list of search results may also have a link to Findit@SGULunderneath the article details. 

Click on this link to find out whether we have the full text available from the Library's collection.  If we do, you will be offered a link to the full text.  If we don't, you will be offered the option to request the article as an interloan.  It is often worth typing the title of the article into Hunter, our library search service, or doing an internet search using the title of the article, to double-check your options before you proceed with an interloan.

If you select the option to Full text for a specific article where available (rather than usingFindit@SGUL) ProQuest offers more options to download PDF, email, and save for that article.

Icons available from ProQuest fulltext view

Selecting the All Options icon gives a pop up window with a range of other options, for example, exporting to Refworks, and other reference management software.

If you are a student or staff at St George's, you can access the Library's Canvas learning unit on RefWorks, to find out how to set up an account and manage your results within RefWorks.

You can also view our Refworks YouTube playlist for this information. For more information on using reference management software see our Reference Management Software LibGuide.

When you set up a My Research account you have the option to connect it to your Refworks account, so you can view and manage your results in Refworks.

If you are a student or staff at St George's, you can access the Library's Canvas learning unit on RefWorks, to find out how to set up an account and manage your results within RefWorks.

You can also view our Refworks YouTube playlist for this information. For more information on using reference management software see our Reference Management Software LibGuide.