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Ebsco Search Guide

A guide to searching healthcare databases eg Medline, Cinahl using the EbscoHost (Ebsco) Search tool.

Manage results

Most search tools, such as Ovid, EBSCO, and ProQuest provide functions to print, email, save or export your search results. Also included in your search results are the links to take you to the full text of the articles, if available.

View, select, save, email, print and export your results

Ebsco databases index articles from a wider range of journals than are in the St George's Library's collection so we may not have the full text of every article.  We do, however, subscribe to a wide range of healthcare journals. We will usually have a significant number of full available articles from the searches that you carry out.

Every article from your list of search results has a link to Findit@SGULunderneath the article details. 

Click on this link to find out whether we have the full text available from the Library's collection.  If we do, you will be offered a link to the full text.  If we don't, you will be offered the option to request the article as an interloan.  It is often worth typing the title of the article into Hunter, our library search service, or doing an internet search using the title of the article, to double-check your options before you proceed with an interloan.

As mentioned in the 'Build a search' section of this guide,  you can also select 'Full Text E-journals' to view those articles that the Library subscribes to.  While using this will enable you to retrieve a list of articles that we definitely have in full text, this will, however, exclude free public access journals, so use with caution.

The Print, Email and Save options will allow you to customise the amount of information you want to save/display. You can also opt to include a record of your search history, as well as any full-text links to articles if they are available via St George’s Library.  

To print, email or save a list of results from your search, click on the icon on the far right of any reference that you wish to save/print/email.  You need to do this for each reference that you want.

Once you have selected a reference to save, the icon should change to a yellow folder.

The list of articles that you have selected will be shown on the right hand side and you should click on folder view to see them. 

From this screen, select the articles again and use the print/email/save/export options on the right hand side. Note that you are saving/emailing/printing the article details as held in the database you are searching, not the full text.

If you wish to select all of the references on a page of results (up to 30 references at a time) select the link to Share on the right hand side immediately above your search results. 

Select the first link that appears on the list of options. Go to Folder view, as before, to select the articles and use the print/save/email options as before.

When you have completed a search, you can create a 'persistent link' to this search.  This link can be e-mailed to yourself or someone else.  This will allow you to view the results of your search by clicking on the link.  You will not see the search strategy, just the last line of your search, and the list of results in Ebsco.

To create a persistent link, click on the link to Share on the right hand side immediately above your search results. 

        Use the option for Persistent link at the bottom of the drop down box that appears. 

 Copy the link, and then paste it into the text of an email that you then send to yourself.              When you open the email that you receive, click on the link and you will be taken to your set of results.  You may be asked to log in with your St George's username and password at this point.


The export feature typically will allow you to export to reference management software such as RefWorks or EndNote as well as to other formats such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.  You need to select the records that you want to export before usigng this function, as described in the 'select articles from your results' tab.

If you are a student or staff at St George's, you can also access the Library's Canvas learning unit on RefWorks. The section on how to use RefWorks with Ebscohost databases such as Cinahl, is shown in this video.

For more information on using reference management software see our Reference Management Software LibGuide.