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Ebsco Search Guide

A guide to searching healthcare databases eg Medline, Cinahl using the EbscoHost (Ebsco) Search tool.

Save a search

When you have completed your search you may wish to save it for later.  Saving your search history will allow you to run it again at a later date, or you can save it as an alert to receive email updates when new papers are published on your topic. Select the Save searches/alerts link above your search history.   

You’ll be prompted to login to your personal My Ebscohost account – if you don’t already have one you can create one at this stage by signing up - see the section on Setting up an account in Ebscohost below.

Once you have logged in you will see a screen with various options. To save your search you need to 1. Name your search 2. Save it as a permanent search

You can also set up an alert by changing the 'Save Search As' options to Alert, then completing the extra fields that you will be asked for, such as your email address.  This means that you will then be sent (via email) the references of any new articles that match your search, every time the database that you did the original search in (whether Cinahl, Medline, Amed etc,) is updated.  You search must be fairly specific to avoid being sent many articles each week - don't set up an alert for a search that just uses the term 'heart attack'!

Setting up an account in Ebscohost

The first time you save a search on a database in Ebsco you will need to set up an account in MyEbscohost. 

When you select Save searches/Alerts you will be take to a screen that asked you to sign in to your account.  If you have not already set up an account, click on Sign in to do so, and follow the instructions. This account is your private account within Ebsco and is not related to your St George's network login, although we recommend using your St George's username to avoid you having an extra username to remember.

You can run, edit or delete your searches and alerts by logging into MyEbscoHost.  You can also save a list of individual articles to refer back to.  This account will work for any of the databases in Ebscohost, such as Cinahl, Medline, Amed and the Education databases.

To log in to your MyEbscohost account from any of the Ebsco databases, click on the Sign in option at the top of the screen, to the right, and sign in with the account details (username and password) that you have created.