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Occupational Therapy Subject Guide

A guide to library and information resources for Occcupational Therapy students

Information for Occupational Therapy

It is important that you can find useful up-to-date information and evidence to support your studies.  You can find all of the Library's books and electronic journal articles by searching Hunter.  This section provides guidance on how to access text e-books and journal articles on Hunter, as well as how to save results to your eShelf.  For alternative resources to Hunter, see the Searching beyond Hunter tab.

The books below will give you a general introduction to occupational therapy and the study skills you will need to develop throughout your course. Scroll through the collection using the arrows on the side. Select the title links to access the e-book, where available, or use the call number to find the book on the library shelves. You will find more advice on accessing books in the 'finding books' tab.

Use the Searching beyond Hunter tab to find out about research databases, which go beyond Hunter

Finding Information

image of hunter logo

Use Hunter, the library's discovery tool,  to find books by title or author, journal articles or journal titles. This page gives you an overview to searching Hunter. There's more information in the subsequent tabs.

1. Find books

To find books in Hunter, enter your search terms, select Books and more. Sign in to find the book location and availability.

Some books are available as e-books, select View Online to view electronic versions. You will need to login with your university login to access these. 

2. Find journal articles

In Hunter, enter an article title or a few words from the title and select Articles and more. Select view online and follow the link to the full text. You will need to login with your St George's login to access these off-site.  

3. Find journals

To find a specific journal in Hunter, type in the name of the journal and select Journal Titles. Results will include journal titles from the Library’s electronic and print journal collections. You will need to login with your university login to access electronic journals off-site. 

Hunter will likely be sufficient to meet most of your literature searching needs in Year 1, but you may need to use a more sophisticated tool - like Cinahl (Ebsco) - for a more in depth search in year 2 onwards. Take a look at the Searching beyond Hunter tab on this guide, and our Literature searching and Ebsco search guide for more help.  The videos below show you how to make the most of Hunter.  

The library has a wide range of books relating to the field of occupational therapy. If the book record has a Full text available link this means that you can access an e-book version. Login with your St George's username and password to view books online. The following video guides you through accessing e-books.

General occupational therapy books can also be located on the shelves starting at call number WB555 although there will be many relevant books that are found at different places in the library.

The call number is the series of letters and numbers on the spine of the book that helps you to find it in the library:

A diagram of the NLM classification used in SGUL library, with the example WK 700 MAR. The first letters (e.g. WK) indicate the main subject, the numbers (e.g. 700) indicate the sub-topic and the last letters (e.g. MAR) indicate the author.

To comprehensively search for a book in the library use Hunter to search the library's book collection at Books and more. Click on Check availability of print copies to see where the book is located in the Library. This video shows you how to locate a book in the library using the call number.

To find journal articles using Hunter, select 'articles and more' from the drop-down menu. You should have full text access to articles found through Hunter. Most will be available online, although we do have a small collection of paper journals available in the library. You will find this collection in the silent study area of the library.

Select the 'Full text available' link to view the full text of an article. Sometimes there are different pathways to login to view full text articles that the library subscribes to when you are at home. Always double check the guidance given by the library when you select an article to view online to see if we recommend any extra steps to access the article that you want to view.

This video shows you how to find and access journal articles using Hunter.

The video below shows you how to access electronic resources when you are away from St George's. You need your St George's username and password. Your St George's username begins with the letter 'm' followed by a number.

As you progress through your course you will need to conduct more in depth searching for information on specific topics, particularly for your dissertation or literature review.

You will need to use a range of resources for a thorough search for journal articles.  See the Searching beyond Hunter (research databases) tab for further information on recommended resources.

To save results in Hunter you first have to log in. At any time in Hunter, you can select 'Sign in' from the top right hand side of the page. Enter your you St George's username and password to login.

Once you have signed in you can save results to your e-shelf. To save articles and book to your e-shelf just click on the pin icon next to the item.

You can also save searches and return to them when you need to. After you have run a search, select the pin at the top of the results page to save your search. It will automatically save under the name of your search terms.

To view your saved results and searches, select the pin icon at the top of the page, next to the 'Sign in' link. This will take you to your e-shelf. You will need to be signed in to permanently save results and searches.

Useful books to get you started