1. Take time to gather your search terms in a list for each concept in your search before you begin searching. Think about alternative spellings, terminology and the different ways topics are referred to, such as synonyms or colloquialisms. Be aware of UK (paediatric) and US (pediatric) spellings and include those as well. Your aim to produce a highly sensitive search in order to not miss relevant papers.
2. Research which databases to search and search each database separately
3. Search for each concept in your question separately
4. The optimal search method for systematic reviews is to, where possible, perform both text word and subject heading searches for each concept
5. Learn how to combine terms together using AND and OR
6. Take time to learn about and use advanced search techniques such as truncation, wildcards and proximity searching
7. Remember that searching is an iterative process. Be prepared to test, validate and refine your search strategy to achieve the best possible search to underpin your systematic review
8. Perfect your search in one key database such as Medline or Embase, before moving on to other databases, where you may have to tweak your search slightly to reflect different subject headings used or database syntax
9.Save each search strategy as you go along so you can document your search at the end
10.Decide in advance how you are going to manage your search results- in Word, Excel or reference management software such as RefWorks, Mendeley or Endnote.
Searching for research evidence is like shopping: if you don't make a shopping list before you start shopping, you may forget to buy something essential you need. When searching for evidence, if you don't make a list of your concepts and terms, then you might miss some relevant information that you need. Preparation is key.
In the table below you will see a list of terms expanding on our earlier P I C O S framework. Note how for each of the concepts we have developed a list of alternative words and phrases- these terms may form the basis of the search strategy.
Patient/Population | Teenage Diabetics, Teen diabetics, adolescent diabetics, adolescence and diabetes, adolescents and diabetes, teenagers and diabetes |
Intervention | Patient education, patient information, health education, health information |
Comparison | No comparison |
Outcomes | Well managed blood glucose levels, blood sugar levels, hypoglycaemia, hypoglycemia, hyperglycaemia, hyperglycemia, hypoglycaemic, hypoglycemic, hyperglycemic, hyperglycaemic |
Study | Any studies |
As a general rule, using a SINGLE term for each of your concepts is insufficient to capture all of the relevant papers. At the same time, generating a list of terms can be daunting. Luckily there are a number of strategies you can employ to help with this aspect, as outlined below:
You'll find more details on the above strategies in the sections on text word or subject heading searching.
Selecting your databases
Once you have created your list of search terms, think about which databases you need to search; as a rule you should search as many databases as possible in order to target as wide a pool of articles as possible.See below for an overview of databases available, all of which can be accessed via the library website http://library.sgul.ac.uk
Search modes
There are two modes of searching databases:
1. Text word searching, also known as free-text or keyword searching
2. Subject heading searching, also know as thesaurus or controlled vocabulary searching
For systematic reviews, it's important to employ both modes when searching on your terms for all of your concepts, to make the search is comprehensive as possible.
See Steps 3 & Steps 4 in the above tabs for more information about these two modes of searching.
This mode of searching is when the database maps your terms to its own unique, controlled vocabulary that is used in a standardized way to tag and identify the contents of articles held within a database. They can help your search immensely as they use one consistent term for any given concept and are used in a very precise way. In Medline, the controlled vocabulary system is called MeSH which stands for Medical Subject Headings.
To Map in Ovid, first make sure the box next to 'Map term to subject heading' is selected before you click search once you've typed your search term; mapping works best if you enter a simple word or phrase such as 'heart attack' without all the additional advanced search techniques described in the section on Text word searching:
As you will see below, 'heart attack' maps to 'Myocardial Infarction' in Medline:
Subject headings come from a hierarchically arranged thesaurus- for example MeSH in Medline-allowing you to explore associated terms in a subject tree around your topic. Click on a subject heading such as 'Myocardial Infarcation' to see narrower subordinate terms that can also be included in your search:
When you find a relevant subject heading, tick the Explode (to include all narrower relevant subject headings) and Include All Subheadings (to include all qualifiers for your tem) boxes to make your search as comprehensive as possible:
If you are unsure about how to carry out a subject heading search in a particular database platform, check the help pages. Note that not all databases will have subject headings available to search, for example,Web of Science (WOS). In these cases you will have to rely on text word searching alone.
Before you carry out your final search, it’s useful to scope out a comprehensive list of potentially relevant subject headings. You can do this by searching for a few relevant papers and looking at which headings have been assigned to describe their content. Examining the Scope note attached to each subject heading within the database is also a very useful way of capturing alternative or narrower terms it is used for and for identifying any previous indexing term used for your concept:
Combining search terms using OR or AND
OR & AND are search operators used by databases and search engines to group search concepts together. The diagrams below illustrate the use of AND or OR.
OR is used to combine similar terms together - this tells the database to show you articles where any of your search terms appear, thus broadening the scope of your search and giving you more results:
AND is used to combine different concepts together- this tells the database to only show you articles where all of your search terms appear, thus narrowing your search:
This is also known as Boolean searching or boolean logic.
In addition, you can also use NOT to eliminate terms and concepts that are not of interest you which are significantly throwing your search out of context;however, use NOT with caution to avoid inadvertently eliminating papers you might need.
The optimal search for each concept will be a combination of a text word and subject heading searches for each element combined at the end with AND. To achieve this, follow the steps below, but note that we are using a very simplified version searching for information with very few alternative terms.
1. First, for each of your text words, you need to attempt to find a corresponding subject heading, then combine both text word and subject heading for that element of the search together with OR. Below, we use the 'Combine with option' that appears at the bottom of your search history to combine the similar searches for articles about heart attack with OR:
2. Second, you need to combine the different OR set of searches with AND to get a final set of results, as illustrated below in a simplified version of this search:
Further guidance on search filters can be found on the following resources:
The InterTASC Information Specialists' Sub-Group Search Filter Resource
ISSG Search Filters Resource (google.com)
Cochrane Filters
4.S1 Technical Supplement to Chapter 4: Searching for and selecting studies | Cochrane Training
SIGN Filters:
Search filters (sign.ac.uk)
Methodological Filters- compiled by Library staff from University of Alberta- easy to cut and paste filters
In all database platforms search results can be saved, emailed and exported, using the options available. Select the references you wish to save using the tick boxes to the left of the article title, or find options to save all of your results.
The Print, Email and Export options will allow you to customise the amount of information you want to save/display. You can also opt to include a record of your search history, as well as any full-text links to articles if they are available via St George’s Library or NHS OpenAthens.
The export feature typically will allow you to export to reference management software such as RefWorks, Mendeley or EndNote as well as to other formats such as a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.
Saving your search history will allow you to run it again at a later date, or you can save it as an alert to receive email updates when new papers are published on your topic. Saving your search strategy will also be important when you want to document your search.
When saving your search strategy, you may be be prompted to login to a personal account – if you don’t already have one you can create one at this stage. This is a really useful option if you are working on the search at different times or working on different versions and you don't want to lose your work. You can run, edit or delete your searches and alerts by logging back into your database personal accounts.
In Ovid, for example, simply select the ‘Save all’ button underneath your search history. You’ll be prompted to login to your personal Ovid account
You can run, edit or delete your searches and alerts by logging into Ovid, selecting ‘My Workspace’ and then clicking on ‘My Searches & Alerts’.
Database help-sheets, guides and video tutorials
The library web-site's help page houses a number of guides and links to videos to help you navigate different database platforms such as Ovid, EbscoHost and Proquest.
You can also see our Libguide on Literature searching to get you going.
Which databases to search
There are a number of healthcare and social care databases available to track down published literature. As no single database is completely comprehensive, it’s important to search as many databases as possible to capture research from the widest pool of sources. This is a major factor in distinguishing systematic reviews from traditional literature reviews and helps to minimize bias. A search of Medline alone is not enough.
Databases are provided via different platforms or hosts, such as:
The following key databases should be searched for most questions around healthcare interventions:
A paper (Bramer et al, 2017) has suggested that Google Scholar, Google's academic search engine, is also a useful adjunct to these key databases, but it should not be used to replace traditional databases.
Other databases focus on different population groups or specialties or type of information, and depending on your topic it will also be important to search some of these resources in addition to the ones listed above. These other databases include:
* Offsite access unavailable for NHS staff
Use the library’s database webpage for an overview of all these databases, on-site access links and information about off-site login procedures such as OpenAthens (for NHS users) or Shibboleth/Institutional Login (for St George's staff and students).
What is a scoping search?
Scoping searches are fairly brief searches of existing literature designed to help you gain an overview of the range and depth of research that exists for a particular research idea.
Scoping searches can also help you identify alternative words and phrases to add to your search strategy.
Databases to consider running basic, initial searches include:
It's recommended that you carry out a scoping search before you produce your actual search as a test bed.