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E-Books guide

This is a guide to using SGUL's e-book collection

View and read e-books

St George's e-books are purchased from several publishers and each one uses a different platform for viewing and reading the e-books.  The look and feel of e-books varies by platform, however they all have the option to view or read the e-books online.  For all platforms, there is an initial screen with a short summary of the book and the table of contents. 

An easy way to start finding information is to use the table of contents to choose a particular section of the e-book to view.  You will see the text of the book displayed on the screen, and there are options to scroll through page by page, reading the information on your screen, in a similar way to viewing an online catalogue.  There is no limit to the amount of times you can view an e-book in this way.

Download St George's e-books

St George's e-books can be downloaded to a mobile device or a PC on a temporary basis.  They are not available to download on a permanent basis.  The length of time you can download them varies for each platform/provider, for example, Ebook Central allows you to 'check out' a book for 7 days.  For more information on specific platforms, see the section 'what else can you do with e-books?'

Print St George's e-books

Printing from e-books is subject to the same restrictions as textbooks, normally 5% of the whole book.  Some platforms are more restrictive. Each e-book platform displays an option for printing above the text of the e-book.  For more information on specific platforms, see the section 'what else can you do with e-books?'