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E-Books guide

This is a guide to using SGUL's e-book collection


Electronic books (e-books) are versions of our textbooks that can be viewed online by St George's students and selected NHS staff.  This can be done from either a mobile device or a PC.  Not all textbooks are available as e-books, although the numbers are increasing.  Some of our textbooks are available both as physical books on the Library shelves and as e-books.  Our e-books are provided by several publishers, for example Oxford Academic and Ebook Central.  This guide provides information on how to access our e-book collection and how you can use e-books.

SGUL Library's e-book platforms

You can find the Library's e-books by searching Hunter, using the category 'Books and more' in the same way as you search for books on the Library shelves. See Find St George's e-books for more information.

The different publishers supply their e-books in different ways. See below to get an idea of the look and feel of the various e-book platforms used at St George's.

SGUL Library e-book platforms

This is a resource which enables electronic access to two e-book 'collections'. 

1. Medical education (including anatomy) books.

2. A range of books related to occupational therapy. 

Find LWW Health Library under L from our Databases A-Z list, and select the St George's Staff and students link.  if you are offsite, click on the 'logged in via Shibboleth' link at the bottom of the screen, and log in using your St George's username and password.

A collection of textbooks covering clinical specialties, including Gray’s Anatomy for Students, Medical Physiology and Physical Therapy (physiotherapy).  The link to sign in for this resource can be found under C in our Databases A-Z page, and also below:

ClinicalKey Student - St George's students and staff - You will need to create an account the first time you sign in, which is subject to the Elsevier Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

ClinicalKey Student - NHS staff - Access via your OpenAthens account - if you don't have one, self-register here.


The Oxford Academic Platform contains all our e-books from Oxford University Press, such as Oxford Handbooks,  Oxford Medicine Online, Oxford Scholarship and Oxford Clinical Psychology as well as a range of e-books from other publishers, under one platform.  

The home of e-Books from Ovid.

Use Proquest's Ebook Central platform to access the majority of our ebook collection.  This is the first screen you will see after you select the link to the ebook you want to view, from Hunter.

The NHS Kortext platform houses a growing collection of ebooks that have been bought collaboratively across a number of NHS libraries in England. Amongst general healthcare titles, the collection will also include items on inclusion and diversity.

Access the collection at, log in with your NHS OpenAthens password (choose NHS England as your institution) and access the books  when you click on Collection. To download books. you will need to download the Kortext app via your normal app store.


Other e-books

Occasionally e-books may be provided as a single item rather than as part of a publisher's collection, for example Cite Them Right, available remotely to St George's users only, which is a book about how to reference, is available in both print and e-book format: