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Library Essentials - get started with using the library

A guide for students

Conduct within the Library

If you are using the library in person, here are some ground rules to make sure everyone stays safe. We expect anyone using the facilities to maintain an appropriate standard of behaviour and to treat Library staff, security staff and fellow users with respect and courtesy.

Please remember that:

  • Cold snacks are only permitted in quiet study and group discussions rooms. Food is not permitted in the silent study area.
  • Lidded drinks are permitted, but be careful of spills.
  • Do not leave your belongings unattended. If you want to take a short break, please make use of the study break scheme, Fair Space for All.

Below you will find some key rules and regulations you are expected to adhere to when using the Library. Visit our website to find out more about our Code of Conduct and related policies.


The Library and computer rooms are zoned to accommodate different study preferences.

Low volume conversation is permitted in orange Quiet Study areas and the group discussion rooms.

There should be no talking in blue areas which are designated for Silent Study.

Similar zoning applies in the computer rooms:

The main computer room is designated as Quiet Study.

H1.8 & H1.9, when not booked for teaching, are designated as Silent Study.


Noise travels very easily, so please be mindful of your conversations and be aware of how they might disturb those working in the area around you.

During term-time, security staff will patrol the Library and computer rooms throughout the day to monitor noise and behaviour throughout the Library space. If you would like to report a disturbance you can do so at the Library helpdesk.

Mobile phones should be used on silent mode only. Please do not make or receive calls in the Library.

If you do need to take a call, please do so outside of the Library entrance in the social learning space so as to avoid disturbing others.

If you are using headphones, please ensure they are on a low volume setting.

Fire Alarms

On hearing the fire alarm, or in the event of an emergency, users must follow any instructions given by Library staff and leave the Library by the nearest emergency exit.

Scheduled testing of the Library alarms is carried out on Wednesday mornings.

Fair Space for All

Personal belongings should not be left unattended nor used to 'reserve' a particular computer or study space.

During periods of high-demand unattended belongings may be removed by Library or Security staff to ensure fair use of the space.

If you want to take a short break, you can make use of our Fair Space for All scheme - see the Fair Space for All tab for more info.