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Teaching Staff

A guide for IMBE and FHSCE staff about the Library


On this page you will find information about the library resources that are available to you. You will also find information on how to access resources and how to link your students to key resources on Canvas using My Reading List.

Finding resources

Hunter provides a 'Google' type search experience by allowing you to search across all of the library's holdings (including books, journal articles and journal titles) all from one search box.

1. Find books

To find books in Hunter, enter your search terms, select Books and more. Sign in to find the book location and availability.

Some books are available as e-books, select View Online to view electronic versions. You will need to login with your university login to access these. 

2. Find journal articles

In Hunter, enter an article title or a few words from the title and select Articles and more. Select view online and follow the link to the full text. You will need to login with your St George's login to access these off-site.  

3. Find journals

To find a specific journal in Hunter, type in the name of the journal and select Journal Titles results will include journal titles from the Library’s electronic and print journal collections. You will need to login with your university login to access electronic journals off-site.

The Library subscribes to a wide range of healthcare resources including research databases, anatomy resources and other websites.  Our Databases A-Z link lists over 100 resources - both subscription and free - that can be used for teaching and research.  Access for subscription resources is usually via your SGUL network login.  Where it is different, this is indicated.  We list both onsite and offsite access routes for access and using the links we provide should be quicker and more seamless than finding the resource via the Internet.

In addition to subject guides, further information on how to search databases and resources can be found in the Literature Searching Guide, and the Systematic Reviews Guide.

We also provide videos on how to use many of these resources.  A full range of our instructional videos can be found on our YouTube Channel.

For databases accessed via the Ovid interface. such as Medline, Embase, PsycInfo and Global Health, please see the Ovid Search Guide.  We have also developed a range of videos for searching databases using Ovid, including this introductory one.

For databases accessed via the Ebsco interface, such as Cinahl, Medline, Amed and some educational databases, please see the Ebsco Search Guide, and the introductory video.

We also have an introductory video for databases accessed via ProQuest, such as Assia and British Nursing Index (BNI)

My Reading List is a great tool for easily connecting your students with resources for your module, such as books, journals articles, videos and websites.  It integrates with Canvas and Hunter, the Library's search engine.

Creating and managing reading and resource lists for your students has just become a whole lot more dynamic, for both staff and students.

To use My Reading List you must be registered to use the Library.  If you are not currently registered, please click here to fill in the registration form.

screenshot of the my reading list lib guidePlease see the My Reading List LibGuide for instructions on how to create and maintain your list.  For further support please contact your liaison librarian.

Where the full text of a book or article isn't available electronically, the Library can make scanned copies for you to upload to Canvas, or for circulating to students by other secure modes of communication. There are limits to which texts and how much of a text can be digitized, therefore the service must be administered and monitored by library staff only to ensure compliance.  Journal articles already available in digital format at St George's  via Hunter, the library catalogue, are excluded from this service, but we do encourage you to link to individual articles via your reading lists to make them readily available to your students.

The proportion of a work that can be scanned consists of either 10% or (whichever is the greater):

  • one chapter of a book

  • one article of a journal issue

  • one paper of one set of a conference proceedings.

This service is currently free. In the future, it’s possible that we may need to charge departments for obtaining scans of material not held in the Library.

In order to ensure that the teaching material is ready in time for your teaching sessions, please ensure you give us as much notice as possible when you request a scan: as a minimum 4 weeks’ notice.

Once we have received, checked and processed your request, we will send you a link to the scanned item which you can then share with your students on Canvas module pages or via some other secure, closed method of sharing with students- for example, university email.

Make a request via our online form.

Scanned readings can also be integrated into and requested from the 'My Reading List' system.

If you have any questions about this service, please contact your liaison librarian.


The Liaison Team has developed a series of Subject Guides designed to help you and your students find information and access materials relevant to your subject.  Select the Course Guide link to see the list of subjects and courses currently covered.

Each guide contains details on how to find information via Hunter and relevant databases, advice on evaluating information and tips for managing your resources (e.g., referencing and Reference Management Software such as RefWorks).  Please promote the Library's Subject Guides to your students, and include a link to them from your Canvas pages.

If you don't see a Subject Guide for your subject, please contact your Liaison Librarian who will be happy to discuss creating one for you.

As well as subject guides, we have a range of other guides that cover resources and skills.  The full list can be accessed here

If you would like to recommend a new book to add to the library stock, please contact your Liaison Librarian.

If you would like to recommend a new journal title, please complete this form, adding as much detail as possible.

All journal and subscription resource suggestions received are added to the Library’s “wishlist” for consideration during the Library’s yearly Journals & E-resources Evaluation in July and August. Your suggestion must be received before 1st June in order to be considered for the following year. (Subscriptions usually run from 1st January to 31st December.)

For further information please contact:

If you require an item that the library does not hold, you can either request that the library purchases it, or order it as an interlibrary loan.  Each interlibrary loan costs £6. Your institute or centre may have a ILL account code you can use.  Most article requests will arrive within 2-7 days; most book requests will arrive within 7-14 days.

Making an interlibrary loan (ILL) request:

In Hunter, sign in at the top right to activate the Request Interlibrary Loan link.

This link will take you to an ILL form where you can submit a request for a book or article.

1.    If you would like an article to be delivered directly to your email inbox, please make sure you select Deliver to me electronically (Articles Only)

2.    If you are paying for your ILL by account code, please enter the code in the Comment box.

NB Before submitting an interlibrary loan (ILL) request, please check Hunter to make sure we do not hold the book or journal you require.

For more information about interlibrary loans, please email